My Paper Model & Papercraft

Gundam Tieren Ground Type 1/100 Model Kit

Buy Cheap Gundam Tieren Ground Type 1/100 Model Kit

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1/100 #7 Tieren Ground Type

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Customer Buzz
 "A new take on an old classic may not be that poseable, but it is great for customization!" 2009-02-04
By Mostly Made (Oneonta, NY USA)
Eventually, when you have made as many of these models as I have, you begin to yearn for something more, but still affordable. Now, I like the design of the original Zaku's Okay, but to me they do not compare to the gundam style. Anyway, when this kit came out, I was excited. It was different,cool looking, and had so many possibilities.

If you are like me and like to paint your kits, this one practically begs for it. Large flat areas absent of panel lines are ripe for cool color scemes like camoflage. Becasue of it's olive drab you don't feel bad about dirtying it up and making it look like a war machine that has been actually used. The flat areas are also ideal for applying decals from other military kits to make it look really good. Will this look good if you don't paint it?...yeah, but the improvments REALLY help.

So why three stars?

Well, for starters, the leg to hip joints. These are not joints that have a snug fit, often resulting in the legs falling off when you pick it up. This makes it difficult to change poses on your shelf regurally becasue it's such a hassle to get them back on. This is by far the biggest downfall of the kit becasue it it aggravating.

The kit is not capable of as dynamic of poses as it may look, but, it still looks cool.

The other main problem I had is the weapons. I know they are show accurate, but I feel it just looks silly with massive fire power stuck on it's fore-arm. This unit is more realistically designed for something that could actually exist. It's not all smooth and polished like the previous Zakus, it's bulky and thick and meant to be rugged. I wanted a new weapon for it, one that was big and that it could carry, becasue with that thick chest it seems like it should carry a big honkin' gun.

I bought a set of WWII guns for 12" army dolls at WAlmart and fitted my Tieren with a long barreled machine gun. The effect is great, a much more fitting weapon.

So, over all, the kit is fun and great to build, and it looks good with or without paint, but in the end, you pose it and put it on your shelf and leave it alone. If it wasn't for the loose hip joints, this would be 4 1/2 stars, but it has to be 3 1/2 stars.

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